Samir Salameh aimerait que l’œil, la main et le cerveau ne soient pas les seuls outils utilisés pour explorer l’univers des arts plastiques. "Je souhaite faire aborder ce domaine d’une manière différente, en laissant les personnes s’exprimer. Au-delà du trait, je voudrais qu’ils fassent passer leurs sentiments dans la création. Vivre les choses pleinement. En abordant la peinture, le modelage, la sculpture ou la photographie, c’est une façon de leur apporter la confiance en eux. Je ne suis là que comme conseil, pas pour leur dicter ce qu’ils doivent faire. Il n’y a pas d’âge pour pratiquer l’art", affirme l’artiste peintre.
"The paintings of Samir Salamah are abstract images which combine consciousness of twentieth century Cubism and abstract expressionism with the geometric divisions one sees in Arabic abstraction. It seems that artists of the Arab World unconsciously express in their work the fitting of parts together to fill foreground space. The division of the surface into parts, all of which seem to have the outline of positive parts, is peculiar to their work… When all shapes have the nature of positive shapes then they have both the tendency of seeming to push forward as well as the tendency to be pulled back by the forward motion of neighbouring shapes… In some of Salamah's works one senses that the textures have grown strong and the see-sawing action might soon create an artistic explosion of color and painterly life which will challenge the formal boundaries of the painting."
— Samia A. Halaby | Painter, New York
"Samir Salameh is a phenomenal person. His free spirit dominates his abstract painting. His daring mix of colors and striking compositions carry a mysterious harmony. One can transcend the present into the imaginative, moving into the surreal for a few moments."
— Rula Alami | Curator, Lebanon.