Randa Mdah, est née dans le village de Majdal Shams dans le Golan syrien occupé, en 1983. Après avoir terminé des cours de peinture et de sculpture au centre Adham Ismail en 2003, elle intègre la faculté des beaux arts de Damas pour obtenir son diplôme en sculpture en 2005.
En 2007, elle suit des cours de gravure à « Bezalel», l'académie des arts et de la conception à Jérusalem.
Randa est aussi membre fondateur du centre Fateh Mudarris pour les arts et les cultures, dans le plateau du Golan occupés.
Elle a participé à de nombreuses expositions individuelles et collectives, locales et internationales : "Min Doon Inwan", (Sans titre), 2006, Centre Fateh Mudarris pour les arts et les cultures, dans le plateau du Golan occupé. Exposition de groupe à Al-Mada Hall, 2006, Damas, Syrie. "Min Al Jawlan", (De Golan), 2007, Ramallah, Bethlehem, Beir Zeit. Exposition de groupe au concours des jeunes artistes par l'association Al Qattan, 2008. "Bani el Turab", 2010, Um el Fahem. Exposition de groupe à "M³ Kunsthalle Galerie" / Berlin.
Elle a été invitée à plusieurs festivals et ateliers artistiques:
-First sculpture festival in the Golan heights by Fateh Mudarris Center, 2007, au Golan occupé.
“Hajar min Baladi” (Stone from my country) sculpture festival, 2009, Masa’adah, au Golan.
“Mishwar” sculpture on wood festival, 2009, Mag’ar village.
“Ein el Rihan” sculpture festival, 2010, Ein Qinya, the occupied Golan.
The Open Studio Group workshop (try and retry), Al Sakakeni Cultural Center, Bierziet
The workshop (UmeaGolan), Sweden
(Light Horizon) Mediterranea Biennial 16, Ancona, Italy.
(Light Horizon) Festival del film, Locarno, Switzerland. (Light Horizon) The 2d International Encounters of Arab cinema; Marseille France |
Randa Mdah, was born in the village of Majdal Shams in the occupied Syrian Golan, in 1983. After finishing courses in painting and sculpturing at Adham Ismail center in 2003, she had graduated from Damascus University, the faculty of fine arts, the department of sculpturing by the year of 2005.
In 2007, Randa had finished courses in etching at Bezalel, the academy of Arts and design in Jerusalem. In addition to being a founding member in Fateh Mudarris center for arts and cultures, at the occupied Golan Heights.
Randa has participated in many solo and group exhibitions, which took part at a local and international aspect:
“Min Doon Inwan”, (Without title), 2006, Fateh Mudarris Center for arts and cultures, the occupied Golan Heights. Group exhibition at Al-Mada Hall, 2006, Damascus, Syria.
“Min Al Jawlan”, (From Golan), 2007, Ramallah, Beit Lahm, Beir Zeit. Group exhibition at the competition of young artists by Al Qattan association, 2008.
“Bani el Turab”, 2010, Um el Fahem. Group exhibition at “M³ Kunsthalle Gallery” / Berlin.
Randa also took part in some festivals and art workshops, such as:
First sculpture festival in the Golan heights by Fateh Mudarris Center, 2007, the occupied Golan.
“Hajar min Baladi” (Stone from my country) sculpture festival, 2009, Masa’adah, the occupied Golan.
“Mishwar” sculpture on wood festival, 2009, Mag’ar village.
“Ein el Rihan” sculpture festival, 2010, Ein Qinya, the occupied Golan.
The Open Studio Group workshop (try and retry), Al Sakakeni Cultural Center, Bierziet
The workshop (UmeaGolan), Sweden
(Light Horizon) Mediterranea Biennial 16, Ancona, Italy.
(Light Horizon) Festival del film, Locarno, Switzerland.
(Light Horizon) The 2d International Encounters of Arab cinema; Marseille France |
