
21st International Symposium on the Digital Document
Djerba, 4-6 April 2019

Call for papers

For several decades, the digital document and digital information have invaded our daily lives as citizens and researchers to the point that we now speak of a post-digital society, as if all the questions raised by this paradigm shift had been asked, as if all the answers had been given. The concept of the third industrial revolution popularized by the American economist Jeremy Rifkin and massively relayed by both the media and the public authorities, tends to confirm this reading of a society whose informational changeover would now be sufficiently complete to be outdated.

However, while the preponderance of digital in the field of info-documentary is a fact, each year brings its share of novelties, improvements, evolutions and transformations, particularly in a field where technical innovations are fast and numerous, leading to structural, conceptual and functional changes.

In many scientific disciplines, the digital document continues to evolve, to move executives, to renew uses, readings, approaches aimed at studying and understanding it, notably through new analytical tools and methodologies (digital humanities) and exploitation potential (big data, smart data, research data, deep learning). These developments go hand in hand with the challenge of open citizenship (open data, open public data, open science, etc.). They go far beyond the areas traditionally reserved for “document professionals”. By becoming increasingly integrated into the scientific, industrial, social and political spheres…, the digital document is building a whole economy – in the original and general sense of the Greek term οἰκονομία “home administration” – which has so far been insufficiently studied, and of which the financial dimension is only one facet.

This twenty-first edition of the International Symposium on the Digital Document (CiDE.21) proposes to examine the consequences of info-documentary digitization on this economy – or these various economies – of the document, on the general functioning of the documentary environment and on its organization. This questioning does not focus exclusively on financial aspects. Indeed, it is the whole panorama of the efforts made by the actors of the digital document, the changes induced by digitization that is targeted, through its most diverse aspects, such as attention and cognitive costs, changes in access, both technical and organizational or structural, aspects related to infrastructure, preservation, structuring and archiving, as well as all the commitment necessary for the uses of the document: training, management, enhancement and prioritization, evaluation, evolution of trades, transmission and access, etc.. Proposals for papers on all topics related to electronic document research, including the following questions, are therefore welcome:

  • cost, price and value of the document and information;
  • protection of the document (copyright, fair use…), reproducibility and reuse (in particular for the search of texts within the framework of the Law for a Digital Republic) ;
  • creation of new services (notably in the framework of public initiatives for open data);
  • collaborative economy (including document, data and metadata production) ;
  • commodification of public and private data;
  • new knowledge and skills to be acquired as prerequisites for creating, handling and accessing documents;
  • knowledge economy of documents, in particular during the design and updating of the document, and the exchanges generated.
