In line with University for Peace’s mission statement, CAC.6 wishes to explore how Computer and Media Art could help building peaceful societies and promoting human rights. Education, art, science, and technology are fundamental tools to overcome some of the main challenges derived from conflict, humanitarian crises, and to promote just, peaceful and inclusive societies. We believe that this Congress will be a great opportunity to involve educators, practitioners, and thinkers in considering these issues and fostering interdisciplinary research on these topics. The 6th edition of Computer Art Congress will take place in Guanajuato, Mexico, Wednesday October 10th through Friday October 12th.
This edition is organized by the University of Guanajuato, Mx, the University of Texas at Dallas, USA, and the Digital Humanities department at the University of Paris 8, France.
The topic of this edition is “Computer and Media Art Education”.

CAC.6 invites contributions from scholars, artists and researchers to explore the relationships between Computer and Media Art and Education, with the goal to consider not only the practical and theoretical aspects of teaching in this domain, but also the broader questions related to the definition of a possible discipline. In this sense, we seek the understanding of the complex interplays of the multiple disciplines (visual arts, music, computer science, electronics, mathematics, esthetics… to name just a few) contributing to the polymorphic emergence of Computer and Media Art.

In more general terms, CAC.6 is interested in considering education in this domain as a crucial articulation between the past, the present and the future. In particular, we would like to contrast and parallel artistic practices with educational practices, and possibly propose experimental collaboration frameworks between these two practices.

Further on, it is the firm intention of this Congress to situate its studies in a global context of political uncertainties and of complex humanitarian challenges.

In line with University for Peace’s mission statement, CAC.6 wishes to explore how Computer and Media Art could help building peaceful societies and promoting human rights. Education, art, science, and technology are fundamental tools to overcome some of the main challenges derived from conflict, humanitarian crisis, and to promote just, peaceful and inclusive societies. We believe that this Congress will be a great opportunity to involve educators, practitioners, and thinkers in considering these issues and fostering interdisciplinary research on these topics

Among the related topics, the Congress wishes to explore the following:

  • education and technology: the relationship between technology, knowledge, culture, and education.
  • education and art history: how to address geopolitically unbalanced histories, how to use history to trace/erase boundaries.
  • education and socio-economical development: evaluation of the impacts of inequitable access to tools and technologies on educational programs across the globe.
  • education across disciplines: observation and studies of various modes of convergence/collaboration between disciplines and practices in Computer and Media Art curricula.
  • education across borders: beyond exchange programs and faculty and student mobility. New forms of inter/transnational education.
  • Computer and Media Art in education and culture: how is this art form represented in general education and culture.
  • art, innovation and education: new and emerging methods, goals, or frameworks in Computer and Media Art education


The Congress is also looking for artistic and experimental propositions addressing the relationship:

  • technology: usage and invention of new technologies, confrontations to “ancient” technologies and practices…
  • history: re-appropriation, citation, celebration, falsification…
  • science: artists and scientists share tools, methodologies, inputs, or goals, progress and epistemologies
  • social justice, sustainability and peace

The congress will be bilingual, English and Spanish, with simultaneous translation. It will take place in the beautiful town of Guanajuato during the Festival Cerventino bringing to the city world-class shows, and exhibitions:

Important Dates

  • Submission deadline for proposals of long and short papers: May 20th, 2018 (extended date)
  • Final Notification of selection for proposals: June 22th, 2018
  • Submission deadline for final long and short papers: August 1st, 2018
  • Submission deadline for proposals of artworks: August 1st, 2018
  • Final Notification of selection of artworks: August 31st, 2018