The Congress will take place in Guanajuato city, on the campus of the University of Guanajuato, Marfil site.

Wednesday October 10- Friday October 12, 2018.

For this edition, the organizers of the Congress propose a different format of presentation and work with more time allotted to collective discussions, elaboration of inter-disciplinary syntheses, and informal exchanges.

For this reason, only 2 sessions per day will be presented. Each session will be scheduled as follows:

Oral presentations of 2 selected papers: 1 hour

  • Break: 30 minutes
  • Discussion of the theme of the session: 1,5 hour
  • Break: 30 minutes
  • Presentation of a synthesis of the discussion: 30 minutes


The criteria for selection of the 2 papers are:

  • These papers present an advanced and more structured or innovative approach to the topic,
  • and/or these papers benefit from a live multimedia presentation.


The moderator of the session will organize the discussion of the theme of the session by inviting the authors of all the papers selected for publication to a roundtable. She/he will make sure that each author is given sufficient time during the debate to contribute her/his perspective.
All the papers related to the theme will be made available to the general audience of the Congress prior to the session.


Session 1: Education and socio-economical development: the contribution of education to Computer and Media Art to a more just, globally aware society.
Keynote speakers: Dr. Nuria Sanz and Prof. Juan-Carlos Sainz-Borgo, or Dr. Mariateressa Garrido-Villareal

Session 2.: Postphenomenology and Technoscience: an interdisciplinary framework for Education to Computer and Media art
Keynote speaker: Prof. Don Ihde

Session 3: Computer and Media Art Education and its relationships to history
Moderator: Dr. Reynaldo Thompson

Session 4: Computer and Media Art Education and its relationships to science and technology
Moderator: Prof. Roger Malina

Session 5: Various models and approaches to Education to Computer and Media Art
Moderator: tbd

Session 6: Computer and Media Art practices as experimental models for Education
Moderator: Dr. Anne Balsamo