Format of the long and short papers general recommendations:

    • Do not use multiple fonts and font sizes.
    • Do not use columns. Do not use header and footer.
    • Place your tables, charts, and images at the end of the paper, preceded by a numbered list of these documents.


Every submission should contain the following elements:

First Page:

    • Article title
    • Article Subtitle
    • Author(s)’s name(s) and affiliation
    • Acknowledgments


Second Page:

    • Abstract no longer than 300 words.
    • List of up to 6 keywords.


Third and following pages:

    • Article text. With numbered paragraphs.



the citation style used for CAC6 is APA. Please use the following resources on APA:
We use only the APA citation style and NOT the formatting style, thank you!

Numbered list of images, tables and charts

Images, Tables and charts

Supplemental material


    • Submission deadline for proposals of long and short papers: May 20th, 2018 (extended date)
    • Final Notification of selection for proposals: June 22th, 2018
    • Submission deadline for final long and short papers: August 1st, 2018
    • Submission deadline for proposals of artworks: August 1st, 2018
    • Final Notification of selection of artworks: August 31st, 2018


Formatting guidelines can be downloaded here in DOC format

Submissions to be done directly on the conference platform : Please Submit Here