There are three main categories for participating in the 6th Computer Art Congress 2018: long papers, short papers, artworks

Long papers

Two of these long papers will be presented during each of the six sessions and will serve as primary material for the general discussion of the session.
These papers are expected to bring new perspectives on the field, to propose new practical approaches, and to provide the participants with new tools, methodologies, strategies, or models.
The length of these papers should be up to 7,000 words (spaces not included).

Short papers

The short papers are meant to bring to the audience additional material for the general discussion of the session.
These papers offer alternative views on the topic, present future or ongoing projects or experiences.
The length of these papers should be up to 3,500 words (spaces not included).


Artworks will be exhibited on the site of the conference, or in other sites. Artworks should reflect or address in some ways one of the topics of the congress.
Artists are responsible for providing the equipment necessary for the installation of the work.
Various formats are accepted including audiovisual installations, video projections, mobile applications

Submission process

Submission process for full and short papers

First phase: from now to May 20th, 2018 (extended date)

Contributors submit an abstract no longer than 500 words without spaces to be reviewed by the steering committee.
The proposal may include at one supporting media if it applies (image, video, audio, program, etc.).
Notification of acceptance is received within 5 weeks.
Steps of the first phase:
Registration through Easychair

If you are submitting a short or full paper, please upload a PDF or DOC file with the following information:

  • Title
  • Abstract
  • Keywords
  • Representative image (if applies)


Second phase
Upon acceptance, contributors write the conference paper that will be published in the book in proceedings (ISBN by Europia).
Full papers: up to 7000 words (spaces not included)
Short papers: up to 3,500 words (spaces not included)

Steps of the second phase:

  • Contributors write the conference paper
  • Contributors prepare hi-resolution images (150 ppi. Minimal width 1000 pixels)
  • Contributors complete the grant permission to use materials in CAC6
  • Contributors submit the paper and grant permissions for publication through
  • Formatting guidelines can be downloaded here in DOC format
  • Submission deadline: August 1st, 2018

Accepted papers may be selected for their publication in a special issue of the International Journal of Design Sciences and Technology.

Submission process for artworks

The submission for artworks is open and will close on August 1st, 2018.
If you are submitting an artwork, please upload a PDF or DOC file with the following information:
Artworks description: up to 1000 words (spaces not included)
Artist statement: describe how the work address or reflect on one of the topics of congress up to 1000 words (spaces not included)
Software / language or environment used during production
Hardware used during production
Other materials used during production
Necessary surface and volume for the display of the work
Representative image or URL page

Please note: for proposals for short and full papers, do not include your name or affiliation in the PDF / DOC submission file at this phase (the selection of contributions follows a double-blind process).

Reviewing process
All submitted papers will be reviewed using a double blind refereeing process.

Please do not hesitate to contact us for all questions related to the submission process:

All contributions to be submitted on the conference platform: click hereto submit“.


Important dates: deadlines

  • Submission deadline for proposals of long and short papers: May 20th, 2018 (extended date)
  • Final Notification of selection for proposals: June 22th, 2018
  • Submission deadline for final long and short papers: August 1st, 2018
  • Submission deadline for proposals of artworks: August 1st, 2018
  • Final Notification of selection of artworks: August 31st, 2018