Revue d'Interaction Homme Machine

Journal of Human-Machine Interaction
ISSN 1289-2963 (papiers)- ISSN électronique (en cours)


VOLUME 5 - NUMERO 1, 2004- N° 2 / 2004

Rédacteurs en Chef / Editors in Chief : J. Caeelen, K. Zreik

Special Issue on Computer-Aided Design of User Interfaces

Rédacteurs en Chef Invités / Guest Editors

Le point sur la conception assistée par ordinateur d'interfaces utilisateur
Current State on Computer-Aided Design of User Interfaces

The Just-UI Approach : Conceptual Modelling of Device Independent User Interfaces
Pedro J. MOLINA, Santiago MELIÁ, Óscar PASTOR

Activity Theory and Task-Based User-Interface Development
Model-based and Task-Complete Embodiment

Workstyles: An Evaluation Model for the Design of Interactive Systems
James WU and T.C. Nicholas GRAHAM

Integrating Usability Engineering Methods into Existing Software Development Processes via Evidence-Based Usability Engineering


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