May, 2008
Toulouse, France

Call for Papers (Dwnload this CFP as a PDF file)
to Authors
Papers should be maximum 12 pages in length (a full
page of text is about 500 words), i.e. your contribution might be
around 5000 words long (including references) plus figures.
PDF, MS-Word are accepted. PDF is preferred for submisssion,
Final papers must be in MS-Word and
submitted directly to the conference secretary: ichsl6@europia.org
All papers will be reviewed using a blind
refereeing process by at least two members of the International
Advisory Board. The Reviewing process is completely transparent and
- Paper submission: November 30th, 2007
- Notification: January 15th, 2008
- Final paper submission: March 1st, 2008
- Conference: May 16th, 2008