Computer Art Congress 2008 // Emerging forms of computer art: making the digital sense.
March 26, 27, 28, 2008 - Mexico City, Mexico
The Paragraphe Lab, University of Paris VIII (France), the Monterrey Tech Campus Toluca and Campus Estado de México (Mexico), and Europia Productions organize the 2nd. edition of Computer Art Congress.


:: The Call for Papers and Computer Art works is now closed ::

:: Congress program :   : Exhibition program ::

:: Register to the congress ::


Publication in the International Journal of Design Sciences and Technology:

The committee is selecting some articles from the proceedings to be published in the International Journal of Design Sciences and Technology. We will notify authors via e-mail to prepare a version of their articles soon.

Article correction:

We realize that we included the wrong version of the following article: The Presence Of Spanish Digital Animation In The Art World, authored by Eva María Mocholí Platero & Carmen Lloret Ferrándiz from Universidad Politécnica de Valencia, Spain. We are deeply sorry for this mistake, you can download the right version as PDF.

Trip to Teotihuacan arqueological site:

We are organizing a trip to Teotihuacan. If you are interested to come with us, please register at the hotel front desk or at the congress locations. The cost will be 20 USD for round trip transportation. Departure: 9 AM / Back to hotel: 6 PM

Registration to the congress is now open:

For this edition, all participants benefit of a 100% scolarship in registration fees. Please follow the next link to register your participation to the congress: Registration.

Accommodation and travel information:

Holiday Inn Ciudad de México Tlalnepantla is our suggested hotel for [CAC.2].
There will be complimentary bus service from this hotel to the congress' locations (i.e. Toluca City and Campus Estado de México).

Holiday Inn Logo     Discount prizes:
Room for 1 to 4: 900 MXP
VIP room: 1000 MXP
Rate change aprox: 1 USD = 10.80 | 1 EUR = 16 MXP

If possible, please reserve your room at the suggested conference hotel. Please note that Mexico City is a large city where multiple events take place at the same time, so reserve your room early.

We are pleased to announce some confirmed keynote speakers:

Lev ManovichDr. Lev Manovich Ron BurnettDr. Ron Burnett
Pierre BoulangerDr. Pierre Boulanger K ZreikDr. Khaldoun Zreik
Matt JonesMatt Jones Rodrigo GomezRodrigo Gómez

The first CAC'2002 observed that the origins of Computer Art (CA) are to be found in the fields of Art and Sciences. This duality has greatly delayed its recognition. Today, we are witnessing the emergence of a multidisciplinary community which has been spurred on by the advanced computer sciences. Members of this community share certain "conceptions" related to Visual Art in general and to Computer Art in particular.

Nowadays, six years later, we witness an enlargement of Computer Art boundaries mainly led by its unusual development. Distance between Art and Science has narrowed to the point that CA looks to be quite an independent and autonomous field starving to reach its maturity. From this perspective, CA cannot evolve separately from the IT development strategy. Today, along with digital content production, which is in some measure produced accordingly to collective intelligence schemes, we also observe emerging forms of CA that strive to develop new ways to interact with digital content, new artifacts that repurpose digital content and new paradigms that aim to make sense of CA.

In this manner, several questions need to be posed and analyzed:


CAC.2, has chosen Mexico, to call artists, authors, creators, distributors, instructors, inventors, journalists, managers, producers, scientists and technologists, concerned by those emerging artistic and technologic forms, contributing, collaborating and exchanging their art-works, experiences, know-how, knowledge and visions on the "digital" Art.

The Computer Art Congress endeavors to be a common forum for exchange between Artists, Researchers, and Technologists involved in this artistic area. The topics of the congress were chosen to establish a multi-disciplinary environment for participants from several backgrounds, to discuss how computer/media/network art can take its own place in the art.


The scope of the conference includes, but is not limited to, the following major topics:


Authors and artists interested may submit a 3-page proposal.
To send a proposal, consider these specifications:

All proposal must be sent to everardo.reyes@itesm.mx.
Please include the submission form into your proposal, which can be downloaded here.


Scientific Committee

Organizing Committee


The congress' main location will take place at the Monterrey Tech Campus Toluca and Campus Estado de México facilities in Mexico City and Toluca City, respectively. Exhibition spaces will be held at important museums both in Mexico City and Toluca City.

View location map


CAC.2 International Chairman:
Khaldoun ZREIK, Laboratoire paragraphe, University of Paris VIII Vincennes Saint-Denis, France.
Département Hypermédia
2 rue de la liberté
Tel: (33) (0)1 49 40 67 58 ou (33) + (0)1 49 40 64 25
Fax: (33) (0)1 49 40 67 83
Mail: zreik@univ-paris8.fr

CAC.2 Local Scientific Chairman:
Everardo Reyes García, ITESM Campus Toluca, Mexico
Animation and Digital Art Dept.
Eduardo Monroy 2000. San Antonio Buenvaista.
50110. Toluca, Mexico.
Tel. (52) 72 22 79 99 90 ext. 2215
Fax. (52) 72 22 74 11 78
Mail: everardo.reyes@itesm.mx

CAC.2 Local Organizing Chairman:
Fernando Gutiérrez Cortés, ITESM Campus Estado de México, Mexico
Chair of Animation and Digital Art Dept.
Carretera Lago de Guadalupe Km. 3.5.
52926. Atizapán de Zaragoza, Estado de México.
Tel. (+52) (55) 5864 5612
Fax. (+52) (55) 5864 5618
Mail: fgutierr@itesm.mx

CAC.2 Local Coordinators:

© europia Éditions / Publisher. 15, avenue de SEGUR - 75007 PARIS, FRANCE