©Bernard CAILLAUD, France


Computer Art Congress

2-3 December 2002


254, Boulevard Raspail
75014 Paris, France




Aims and Scope

The origins of Computer Art are to be found in the fields of Art and Sciences. This duality has greatly delayed its recognition. Today, we are witnessing the emergence of a multidisciplinary community which has been spurred on by the advanced computer sciences. Members of this community share certain "conceptions" related to Visual Art in general and to Computer Art in particular.
The Computer Art Congress endeavours to be a common forum for exchange between Artists and Researchers involved in this artistic area


The first international Computer Art Congress (http://europia.org/CAC) is hosted by the Ecole Spéciale d'Architecture, Paris (2002) in association with :

  • Cercle d'Art et d'Espace Numérique, University of Caen, France
  • Europia, Paris France
  • Ecole Speciale d'Architecture, Paris France
  • Association Surface Sensible, Caen, France


    This congress includes the following topics:

    • Aesthetics of Computer Art
    • Algorithmic Art
    • Computer Art and art
    • Computer Art and non-linear culture
    • Colour in Computer Art
    • Global Culture, Collaborative Art
    • History of Computer Art
    • Interactive Computer Art
    • Linguistic and Computer Art
    • Music in Computer Art
    • Online Computer Art

    Tutorials, plenary and keynote presentations, can be considered in the program.

    The congress theme was chosen to establish a multi-disciplinary environment for artists and scientists from several backgrounds, to discuss how computer art can take its own place in the art.



    Authors are invited to submit original contributions (approximately 6000 words) in English or in French and should be preceded by an abstract (200 words). Papers will be carefully examined by two members of the international steering committee.
    Illustrations, graphics and pictures must not exceed 12 cm. in width.
    Authors may send their contributions by electronic form to the following address :

    CAC secretary
    M. Patrick DUCHESNE

    Computer Art Journal
    15, Avenue de Ségur
    75007 Paris, France

    Important Dates

    25th October, 2002 - Papers submission deadline

    4th November, 2002 - Notification to Authors

    18th November, 2002 - Submission of camera-ready

    CAC co-chairs

    Bernard CAILLAUD (caillaud@europia.org)
    Khaldoun ZREIK (zreik@info.unicaen.fr)

    CAC Organizing Committee

    Jean BRANGE
    Bernard CAILLAUD
    Patrick DUCHESNE
    Ihab KALAOUN
    François POTONET
    Jacques SAUTEREAU
    Khaldoun ZREIK

    CAC Advisory Board

    Mauro ANNUZIATO, Italy
    Jean-Pierre BALPE, France
    Reza BEHESHTI, The Netherlands
    Jacques BOULET, France
    Simon DINER, France
    Ken FREIDMAN, Norway
    Victor GRILLO, France
    Jean-Pierre HEBERT, Canada
    Hervé LECROSNIER, France
    Michel LEGLISE, France
    Jacques POCHOY, France
    Imad SALEH, France



    Subscription Form

    Please fill and send this subscription form to :
    Computer Art Congree
    15, avenue de Ségur - 75007 Paris - France
    Tel: 33 1 45 51 26 07 - Fax 33 1 45 51 26 32


    Title (e.g. Dr/Prof):
    Initials :
    Last name:

    Street address:

    Zip code:



    O I wish to subscribe for CAC


    Monday December 2, 2002

    9h00 Registration
    9h15 Opening session
    Jacques BOULET (ESA), Bernard CAILLAUD (Digital Artist),
    Khaldoun ZREIK (C.A.E.N, University of Caen)

    Session 1 (Chairman: B. Caillaud)

    9h45 - 10h30 Simon DINER

    Ancien Directeur de Recherche au CNRS.

    Du nombre d'or à l'information algorithmique / Vers une esthétique mathématique.
    From The Golden Number to Algorithmic Information / Towards a Mathematical Aesthetics.

    10h30 - 11h00 Coffee break

    11h00 - 11h45 Aleksandra DULIC et Kenneth NEWBY

    Computing Arts & Design Sciences
    Simon Fraser University
    Burnaby, B.C. Canada

    Towards a Cinema of Braided Processes : HeteroForm in New Media Composition.

    11H45 - 12h30 Giovanni DE PAOLI

    Groupe de recherche en CAO, Ecole d'architecture, Université de MontrÈal, Canada

    Méthodes de modélisation numérique et artistique : cas de la plate-forme virtuelle de création pour les artistes des nouveaux Complexes Cirque du Cirque du Soleil.
    Methods of digital and artistic modelling : the exemple of the virtual plate-forme for creation for artists of the new " Complexes Cirque du Cirque du Soleil".

    12h30 - 14h30 Lunch Break (No lunches have been organised, participants can find many restaurants around the ESA)

    Session 2 ( Chairman: S. DINER)

    14h30 - 15h15 Julie TOLMIE

    Simon Fraser University

    From mathematical visualization to immersive abstraction.

    15h15 - 16h00 Stephen JONES

    PhD student in the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences
    University of Technology, Sydney

    The Evolution of Computer Art in Australia.

    16h00 - 16h30 Coffee break

    16h30 - 17h15 Jean VIVIER

    Professeur de Psychologie
    Directeur Laboratoire de Psychologie Cognitive et Pathologique
    Maison de la recherche en Sciences Humaines
    Université de Caen - Basse-Normandie

    Reflexions psychologiques sur la temporalité dans le Computer Art.
    Temporality in Computer ArtÝ: a psychological point of view.

    17h15 - 18h00 Christine FERNANDEZ MALOIGNE

    Laboratoire IRCOM-SIC (Signal, Image et Communications)
    UMR CNRS 6615

    Couleur numérique et psychométrie.

    Digital Color and Psychometry.

    18h00 - 19h15 Artists/ Statements ( Animator Victor GRILLO )


    Martine ARGUILL»RE
    Christian BURGAUD
    NadËge JEANNE
    Amr KHADR


    Tuesday December 3, 2002

    Session 3 ( ChairmanÝ: M. LEGLISE)

    9h30 - 10h00 Bernard CAILLAUD

    Digital Artist
    Co-responsable du C.A.E.N. (Cercle d'Art et d'Espaces NumÈriques)
    Chercheur associé - G.R.E.Y.C - Université de Caen

    Automates cellulaires: développement temporel, choix et création.
    Cellular Automata : developement over time, choice and creation.

    10h00 - 11h00 Jean Pierre BALPE
    Directeur du département Hypermédia

    Co-Directeur des laboratoires PARAGRAPHE, CIREN et CITU
    Directeur de l'Ècole doctorale SIIC
    Université Paris 8

    Art et technologies.
    Art and Technlogy.

    11h00 - 11h30 Coffee break

    11h30 - 12H15 Jean-Paul LONGAVESNE

    Professor, University Paris XI and
    Ecole Nationale SupÈrieure des Arts Décoratifs de Paris (ENSAD),
    Director of the "Groupe de Recherche en Informatique Picturale" (GRIP),
    Invited Professor at University of Québec, Montréal (UQAM)

    Esthétique et Rhétorique des arts technologiques. L'Art des machines. Thématisation de l'espace-temps comme pratique artistique.

    Aesthetics and Rhetoric of Technological Art - The Art of Machines. Space-time Thematics as an artistic practice.

    12H15 ñ 13h00 Michael PORADA

    Architect, PhD
    Ancien enseignant des Ecoles d'Architecture de Paris

    Computer Art?

    13h00 - 14h30 Lunch Break (No lunches have been organised, participants can find many restaurants around the ESA)

    14h30 - 16h00 Artshow (Animator: Bernard CAILLAUD )

    16h00 - 16h30 Coffee break

    Closing Session

    16h30 - 18h00 Round Table with all the participants animated by K. ZREIK, B. CAILLAUD, J. BOULET

    Computer Art Journal


    ©europia, Editions / Publisher - 15, avenue de SEGUR - 75007 PARIS, FRANCE